Dunsink Lane, Dublin 15, D15 XR2R

# 8 Pizza and Public Outreach

By Tess Tangney, Gabriel Finneran and Oscar O’Hara Started by Tess The day had finally come, tonight we were opening up Dunsink to the public. Unfortunately it was set to thunderstorm all day so we were a bit worried… Read More

#7 Muffins and Manual Labour

By Tess Tangney and Oscar O’Hara Started by Tess It’s been a long 7 weeks working in Dunsink and yet the time seems to have flown by. After all our research on the artifacts we’ve found it was… Read More

#6 Salad and Spirits

By Gabriel Finneran At 0600hrs Monday morning I packed my bags and set off from Athlone, bound for Dunsink which would be my home for the next three days. With a cumbersome loadout of a backpack, pannier and… Read More

#5 Brasso and Bling

By Gabriel Finneran As the fourth week of our internship began to draw to a close, we arrived at Dunsink early Friday morning to begin cleaning the South Dome Refractor. Light flooded the room as Tess pulled open… Read More

#4 Birr & Brownies

By Tess Tangney and Oscar O’Hara Started by Tess   Oscar and I locked up our bikes in the carpark of the Eastwall ALDI as we waited for Peter to pick us up. It wasn’t as dodgy as… Read More

#3 Hi-vis & Hamilton

July 20th By Tess Tangney Three weeks in and we were finally getting used to the cycle to Dunsink, Oscar even made it in a record 35 minutes from Tenernure! We started off the day with a cup… Read More

#2 Cookies & Confidence

June 17th 2019 By Oscar O’Hara With a mission in mind, and a cuppa in hand the three musketeers swung a left out the front door. Our sights firmly set on Trinity, we began the short walk, with… Read More

Interview #1: What’s that noise in the basement?

June 11th 2019 Intro by Tess Tangney To make the most out of our time here in DIAS we decided to see if we could annoy a few of the researchers and students around the building to find… Read More

#1 Tea & Timepieces

June 13th 2019 By Tess Tangney After cycling in the rain for almost an hour we arrived at Dunsink wet and in need of a strong cup of tea. We dried ourselves off and couldn’t wait any longer… Read More

#0 The Interns

Tess, Oscar and I (Gabriel) are the new DIAS Summer Students and we will be working on the restoration of Dunsink Observatory. We have decided to write a blog to document our journey this summer and to showcase… Read More