Dunsink Lane, Dublin 15, D15 XR2R

Night Sky Guide – January 2023

Welcome to our new monthly guide to the night sky! We will be posting a monthly list of astronomical activities to keep an eye out for in the night sky. So let’s jump in!

Tuesday 3rd January  – The moon and Mars will be visible together in the night sky. Mars will be recognisable at the bright red ‘star’ right above the moon.

Friday 6th January  – Full moon at 11:08 pm

The moon, or supermoon, is seen as it sets over Washington on Monday, Nov. 14, 2016. A supermoon occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest (perigee) to Earth. Early Monday morning, the moon was the closest it has been to Earth since 1948 and it appeared 30 percent brighter and 14 percent bigger than the average monthly full moon. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

Saturday 21st January  – New moon at 8.53 pm 

Sunday 22nd January – Venus and Saturn visible together in the South-west with only 20 arcminutes between them.

Monday 23rd January – Not only will Venus and Saturn be seen together, but the moon will also be visible in the same region. Low in the south west after sunset a thin crescent moon will be visible next to Venus and a much fainter Saturn. 

Wednesday/Thursday 25th/26th January – Jupiter will be visible with the moon on both nights. On the 25th Jupiter will be noticeable just above the moon while on the 26th it will be to the lower right of the moon. Coincidentally this will coincide with our second public visitor night of the year on the 16th of January so hopefully we and our visitors will be able to view this on the night!

NASA, ESA, Jupiter ERS Team; image processing by Judy Schmidt

Written by the Public Engagement Officer at DIAS Dunsink Observatory, Sadhbh Leahy.